Knowledge Mapping

What is Knowledge Mapping ?


  • "Knowledge mapping is a process of surveying, associating items of information or knowledge, preferably visually, in such a way that the mapping itself also creates additional knowledge determining forexample where knowledge assets are, and how they flows in the system." Modified from Vail E. (1999) and HyltonA. (2002)
  • "An ongoing, collaborative quest to uncover the constraints, assumptions, location, ownership, value and use of information artifacts, find people and qualify their expertise, surface blocks to knowledge creation, and discover opportunities to leverage tacitknowledge." Grey D. (2005)

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Types of KM audits

Belows are some of types of KM Audits

  • Information audit: As a first step to developing a knowledge management strategy, identify the information needs of your organization and define how those information resources and services are actually used. Avoid information overkill!
  • Content audit: What to do when your content is already published? An occasional content audit can help maintain the overall health of a system and allows knowlegeworkers to review their organization's knowledge assets.


12 steps to KM success

Highlighted below are the 12 steps of a KM success framework adapted from Simon Walker's "12 Steps to KM success." Learn more

  • Value proposition: Does your organization have a compelling story on how KM will provide business benefit?
  • Strategic alignment: Do you need a KM strategy or is the KM program directly supporting the existing business strategy of the organization?
  • Organizational structure: What's the structure of your organization?
  • Managing performance: How is KM performance rewarded in your organization?
  • Cultural sensitivity: Do you think KM can change the organizational culture?
  • Technology: Does your technology enable KM or direct the solution?
  • Knowledge creation: How do you know what knowledge is important to your organization?
  • Knowledge structure: How will knowledge be structured for reuse?
  • Knowledge review: Will you review the knowledge before storing in a repository?
  • Knowledge reuse: How will employees search for knowledge to reuse?
  • Knowledge base vitality: Who owns the knowledge? Who’s responsible for updating and archiving? How will this be managed and resourced?
  • Environmental scanning: Do you continually scan the environment to ensure that your KM program is aligned with changes of organizational strategy?


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